At UNM Press, we publish sixty-five to seventy titles each year. I am so deeply focused on acquiring new titles in my subject areas that I don’t get to read what my colleagues are bringing in to publish. So, now…
BOOK SIGNING in Albuquerque, Wednesday, Dec. 4, 2 pm. Gandert, Lamadrid, and Kurland will talk and sign, and mariachi Roberto Martinez will perform! — at UNM Bookstore. UNM Bookstore’s website:
Councilmember Jose Huizar found time to support ELACC at the book signing for Hotel Mariachi at Libros Schmibros. pictured (L-R) David Kipen , Jose Huizar, Armando Molina, Evangeline Ordaz, and Catherine Kurland. Thanks, David and Libros Schmibros Lending Library and…